hand level meaning in English
- I beat letter very fast , because i am a computer high hand level act as black guest
我打字很快,因为我是电脑高手,我甚至还当过黑客呢。 - Bring your left hand level with your left ear and turn to the right . push your left hand forward . 7
因此,要使拳学修习体系臻于完善,需融合三家之长为一体。 - Look at your right hand to 9 oclock . 12 . bring your left hand level with your ear and turn to the right
又引入形意拳三层呼吸之道理,不刻意追求呼吸,以自然呼吸开始,式正气从,以致真息。 - As your hands move , raise your right foot and step back as before , this tie shifting your weight to the right foot . 14 . bring your left hand level with your ar
6 、以形意拳三体式为整套拳式技术之基础,要求重心上下无起伏,始终在一个水平面上运动,培育机体一触即发之本能。